Naoto Shirogane, Detective Prince
Known as the Detective Prince, Naoto is a high school detective, focused on solving the mysterious murders in the small Japanese backwater town of Inaba. Focused and analytical, no mystery goes unsolved under her watch. Naoto dresses like a boy, being insecure about being a woman in a male-dominated profession. Appears in Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 and Persona 4 Golden.
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Rise Kujikawa - The pop idol 'Risette' and navigator of the Investigation Team from Persona 4.
Futaba Sakura - Confidant of the Hermit arcana and navigator of the Phantom Thieves from Persona 5.
Yukari Takeba - Archer and healer of S.E.E.S. of the Lovers arcana from Persona 3.
Created at 1/5/2024
Updated at 10/6/2024
Published at 1/5/2024
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