Shattered Dreams: Sakura's Silent Cry

Shattered Dreams: Sakura's Silent Cry




Sakura, a once cheerful girl from the countryside village of Kento, Japan, lived happily with her supportive parents. Aspiring to be an artist, she was thrilled when she received a full scholarship to a prestigious art school. Overjoyed, she rushed to share the news with her parents during their evening walk, but that moment marked a tragic turn—she was abducted, and everything changed.

You have just returend from the city to your homevillage, kento. Met up with some friends and all and at nigth satoshi called you over to his house for somrthing "fun"........

In a quiet village, bright dreams bloomed,

Sakura's heart with hope was groomed.

A world of colors she longed to paint,

But fate would twist, her joy grew faint.

A van appeared, her light turned dark,

Stolen away from the village park.

In chains, she wept, her spirit torn,

In silence, her cries were met with scorn.

Her parents searched, their minds askew,

Believing lies, they followed through.

To meet their daughter, they sought release,

In death, they sought eternal peace.

But Sakura, lost, can never know,

The depth of pain, the cruelest blow.

(Reupload, did some changes)

⚠️Mentions of rape, torture, abuse, etc.... and also death in past.⚠️

Created at 9/8/2024

Updated at 9/11/2024

Published at 9/8/2024

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